Friday, 7 November 2014

New Freeform Carving and Where I'm at Tomorrow

The pre-Christmas craft and gift sale season is well under way right now, and I've been busy enough that I haven't had time to upload a schedule of where I'll be between now and Christmas, but hopefully I'll get something up by the middle of next week. 

Tomorrow, however, I will be at the Trenton Children's Centre Annual Craft and Vendor Sale. I'm not sure how many vendors they'll be selling, but it should be a good show. It will be held at The Wing located at 230 North Murray Street, Trenton, Ontario from 10 - 4. It's a great chance to do some Christmas shopping as well as supporting a non-profit group. 

I've been enjoying my forays into freeform carving, but I've been mostly focusing on bowls. However, I recently found myself working with a large piece of root that simply didn't want to become a bowl. 

I will not be posting a price for this piece. Instead I will entertain offers and accept the first one that seems reasonable to me.

Once I began trimming all of the bark and decomposed material off, a rather interesting form began to show itself and I simply followed what was in the root, adding a bit of texture here and there and the odd embellishment. Oh, and then some sanding, followed by more sanding, then more sanding, eventually leading to finishing.

So there it is. I admit it's not for everyone, but everyone who's seen it does agree that it's interesting. If you think it is for you please let me know and we can arrange purchase and shipping or a pickup time (depending on whether you're local or not). Otherwise I expect this will be gone by the end of the year (and it's always nice when one of my reader's gets to pick up something from me).

One more thing for the day: I will be taking orders right off of the blog starting next week. Lots of my readers are either in the United States or overseas, so to make purchasing easier for them we're going to be setting up custom orders and selling things that you see pictured on the blog, so keep your eyes open for details coming next week.

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