Monday 9 September 2013

Small Wall Clock

A little bit of old school wall decor today. My wife will make me crop the pic and repost this later, but I'm too tired to care right now :)

1/4" Baltic birch plywood, 2 3/4" clock face, some Minwax Early American stain, a spot of glue and a session on the scroll saw and...voila!

I could talk more about the clock's a clock. Unless you just arrived from the 17th century or some such silliness, you know what they are, how they work, etc. etc. etc. and you probably don't even care about most of the details I DID give you. All you care about is the pic and the assurance that it's a clock and not some sort of fake clock wall art nouveau or something.

What I do want to talk about is custom clocks (way more exciting, right?!)
I truly enjoy the challenge that comes with custom work, and clocks are one of those things that really have a lot of room to customize and make it your own. Not just size and colour here, but shape, wood, contours, interior cuts and designs, flat, box or 3D...all kinds of different things you can do.

So here's the deal. I'm about to put in an order for more clock faces sometime this week. Why do you care about this? I'll get to that in a minute.

My clocks are generally a bit pricier than, oh say, Walmart. There's a few reasons for that. Most of them involve quality of construction, materials used and the fact that I'm not running a shop in China (or Taiwan). That said, compared to most other custom made wooden clocks, my stuff compares rather favourably. Someone suggested to me the other day that perhaps my clocks were overpriced (most are in the $50 range give or take $10), so we went online and did a quick search for wooden clocks. Most of what we found was in the $200 - $300 range with some up around $1000 or more. Suddenly mine looked pretty good, and frankly, mine looked a lot better than many of the more expensive ones.

So back to why you care. If you put in an order for a custom or out of stock clock by the end of this week (Friday, September 13, 2013 [Friday the 13th in 2013? That's gotta have somebody riled up good!]) then I will knock an extra 5% off the final price.

Why? Because I love making clocks. More to the point, I love my loyal customers and regular blog followers. As an extra incentive, if this is your first time ordering from me I'll also include 2 complimentary business cards for no extra cost.

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